Robert Sanford (Ph.D. Michigan State), Microbial Biogeochemist and Ecologist, Research Associate Professor, UIUC, 2003-present
Eva De Boever (Ph.D. KU Leuven University), Carbonate Sedimentologist, Winter 2014, Assistant Research Professor at Fribourg University, Switzerland
Anneleen Foubert (Ph.D. KU Leuven University), Carbonate Sedimentologist, Summer 2012, Professor at Fribourg University, Switzerland
Jinzi Deng (Ph.D. University of Connecticut), 2014-present
Raj Singh (Ph.D. Drexel University), 2011-present
Dong, Yiran (Ph.D. Oklahoma Microbiology), 2009-present
Jessica Bouwmeester (Ph.D. KAUST University), 2014-present
Duncan Keenan-Jones (Ph.D. Sydney University), 2011-2015
Youneng Tang (Ph.D. Arizona State University), now a professor at Florida State Univ.
Pan-Jun Kim (Ph.D. Korea Bioinformatics), now a professor at Korea National Univ.
Michael Kandianis, (Ph.D. Illinois Geology), now a research geologist at Shell Oil Co.
Gupta, Charu (Ph.D. Illinois Animal Sciences), now a research professor at UIUC
Roy Johnson (DVM Illinois Veterinary Medicine), now a scientist in Boise, Idaho
Ingmar Janse (Ph.D. Amsterdam Microbiology), now a scientist at NIOZ, Netherlands
George Bonheyo (Ph.D. Illinois Microbiology), now a scientist at Pacific Northwest Labs
Jorge Frias-Lopez (Ph.D. Barcelona Microbiology), now a professor at Harvard Univ.
Abigail Asangba, M.Sc. 2015, Illinois Animal Sciences, now in UIUC Ph.D. program
Carly Hill Miller, M.Sc. 2010, Ph.D. 2014, Illinois Geology, now oil company geologist
Ana Houseal, Ph.D. 2010 Illinois College of Education, now faculty at Univ. Wyoming
James Klaus, Ph.D. 2007 Illinois Geology, now a professor at University of Miami (FL)
Michael Kandianis, Ph.D. 2007 Illinois Geology, now a geologist at Shell Oil Co.
John Veysey, Ph.D. 2007 Illinois Physics, co-advisor, now an AAAS Fellow
Patrick Chan, Ph.D. 2007 Illinois Physics, co-advisor, now on Wall Street in New York
Hector Garcia Martin, Ph.D. 2007 Illinois Physics, co-advisor, now at DOE JGI
Erin Murphy, M.Sc. 2015, now in Ph.D. program at UC Riverside
Ryanne Ardissana, M.Sc. 2014, now teaching high school in Dallas, Texas
Brooke Eickhoff, M.Sc. 2013, now a geologist at Schlumberger
Philip Miller, M.Sc. 2010, now a geologist at Shell Oil Company
Samantha Dwyer, M.Sc. 2010, now a geologist at Shell Oil Company
Carly Hill Miller, M.Sc. 2010, now a research geologist at Shell Oil Company
Nathan Webb, M.Sc. 2010, now a research geologist at the Illinois Survey
Jared Freiburg, M.Sc. 2009, now a research geologist at the Illinois Survey
Holly Vescogni, M.Sc. 2008, now a research geologist at Shell Oil Company
Allan Piggot, M.Sc. 2008, Ph.D. University of Miami Florida, now at BP
Shane Butler, M.Sc. 2007, now a geologist at Illinois State Geological Survey
Emily Wisseman, M.Sc. 2007, now teaching school in Central America
Thomas Schickel, M.Sc. 2007, now a geologist at Shell Oil Company
Kelly Hutchings, M.Sc. 2007, now a geologist at Shell Oil Company
Michael Fortwengler, M.Sc. 2005, now a geologist at Shell Oil Company
Rick Wachtman, M.Sc. 2001, now an exploration geologist at Exxon Mobil
Anthony Gibson, M.Sc. 2001, now a geologist at Mervin Oil Illinois
Stephanie Gillian, M.Sc. 2000, now a high school teacher in New York
Serena Lee, M.Sc. 2001, now a geologist at Schlumberger
Dylan Canavan, M.Sc. 2000, now secondary education teacher in Chicago
Aubrey Zerkle, M.Sc. 2000, Ph.D. at Penn State University, now a professor at Bristol University, UK
Lauren Schechtman, 2015-present, undergraduate in Illinois Microbiology
Samantha George, 2014-present, undergraduate in Illinois Microbiology
Annette Merkel, B.Sc. 2015, now research scientist at Mayo Clinic
Jiwon Kim, B.Sc. 2015, now applying to medical schools
Nicholas Sandoval, B.Sc. 2014, now teaching high school in Chicago, IL
James Bruce, B.Sc. 2014, now in M.D. program at Loyola University
Sheila Egan, 2014, now in Teach America program
Joseph Weber, 2013, now in M.D. program at Loyola University
received 2014 Fullbright Scholarship to KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
Daniel Beach, 2012, undergraduate in Illinois Geology
Kamil Stelmach, 2011 Illinois Integrative Biology, now applying to graduate school programs
Julia Waldsmith, 2011 Illinois Geology, now a research geologist Nevada Mining, NV
Samantha Dwyer, 2009 Illinois Geology, now an exploration geologist at Shell Oil Company
Amanda Oehlert, 2009 Illinois Spanish, now a Ph.D. candidate in Geology at Miami Florida
Philip Miller, 2008 Illinois Geology, now an exploration geologist at Shell Oil Company
Paige Wallace, 2007 Illinois Microbiology, now Ph.D. student at University of Wisconsin
Jed Pangbinian, 2007 Microbiology, now in Illinois Veterinary Medicine DVM program
Joannah Metz, 2004 Illinois Physics/Geology, now Ph.D. candidate at Cal Tech
David Fike, 2003, Illinois Physics/Geology), now an Associate Professor at Washington University in St. Louis, MO
Heather Hentschel, 2004 Illinois Microbiology, nw in medical school
Malka Zipperstein, 2004 Illinois Microbiology, now in medical school
Beth Sanzenbacher, 2003 Illinois Microbiology, now teaching ESL in Japan
Krista McCoy, 2003 Illinois Microbiology, now with St. Louis Police Department CSI
Andrew Collins , 2003 Illinois Geology, now geologist at Schlumberger
Scott Lepley, 2002 Illinois Geology, now a Ph.D. student at University of Iowa
Kristine Mize, 2001 Illinois Geology, Ph.D. at University of Texas Austin, now Texaco geologist
Andrea Gavurnik, 2001 Illinois Microbiology, M.D. at Johns Hopkins, now practicing medicine